2023 Conference Venue


Venue Map

Party and Networking

Rush Funplex 

Thursday, March 30th, 2023
Dinner 6:30-7:30pm

Games 7:30-9:30pm

URTA Networking FB Group

Schedule At A Glance

The PDF version of the schedule at a glance has been embedded below. It can be opened in its own window and/or printed. 

Schedule is subject to change without notice.

2023 Conference Schedule FINAL2.pdf

Digital Conference Packet

The PDF version of the conference packet as been embedded below. It can be opened in its own window and/or printed. 

***This packet has links you can click on to  access all session evaluations, handouts, synopsis, etc.*** 

URTA Conference 2023 Packet FINAL.pdf

Session Evaluations

Please use the link on each sessions page to complete an evaluation of each session you attend so we can hear from you!

Overall Conference Evaluation

12 contact hours / 1.2 CEUs total

We value your feedback and want to hear about your experiences so we can make conference better next year!

It is especially important to complete the Conference Evaluation this year to assure you receive your CEUs.