Recreational Therapy Practice Act Inquiry
The Utah Recreation Therapy Association (URTA) is invested in the advancement of the profession of recreational therapy as well as the protection of the consumer of recreational therapy services. The intent of this Recreational Therapy Practice Act Inquiry Form is to provide a worksheet to assist individuals and agencies in understanding the practice of recreational therapy.
The Legislative Committee's Inquiry Subcommittee will review the inquiry:
1. If the inquiry does not appear to be a practice act compliance issue the review committee can follow-up with the person reporting to provide educational feedback. (Follow-up will happen only when the person submitting the inquiry has listed their contact information stating they would like feedback.)
2. If the inquiry does appear to be a practice act concern, the subcommittee will forward the inquiry to the Department of Professional Licensing (DOPL) Investigations. The complaint will be submitted via URTA and the original source will remain anonymous.
If at any time it appears an unlawful act or unprofessional conduct has occurred you may contact the Department of Professional Licensing for further investigation:
Submit an Inquiry
For Educational Purposes, According to the Law:
Unlawful Conduct
"Unlawful conduct" includes:
(1) providing, leading, facilitating, teaching, or offering to provide or teach recreational therapy services unless licensed under this chapter or exempted from licensure under Section 58-1-307 or 58-40-305;
(2) using the initials MTRS, TRS, or TRT, or other abbreviation, term, title, or sign relating to the practice of recreational therapy services unless licensed under this chapter; and
(3) employing or aiding and abetting the employment of an unqualified or unlicensed person to: (a) practice as a recreational therapist; or (b) provide recreational therapy services.
(Utah Recreational Therapy Practice Act, 58-40-501)
If at any time it appears an unlawful act or unprofessional conduct has occurred you may contact the Department of Professional Licensing for further investigation:
Unprofessional Conduct
"Unprofessional conduct" includes:
(1) failing to supervise a therapeutic recreation technician, a student intern, or a temporarily licensed therapeutic recreation specialist when required to do so under this chapter or by rule;
(2) failing to keep or maintain a recreational therapy treatment plan;
(3) failing to safeguard a person's right to privacy as to the person's identity, condition, diagnosis, personal effects, or other matters about which the licensee is privileged to know from providing recreational therapy services;
(4) failing to report to the division the unsafe, unethical, or illegal practice of a person who is providing recreational therapy services;
(5) making sexual advances to a patient, requesting sexual intercourse or sexual favors from a patient, or engaging in other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the presence of a patient;
(6) exploiting a patient or former patient for personal gain;
(7) possessing or dispensing illegal or non-prescribed prescription drugs or medications;
(8) using or being under the influence of alcohol or an illegal or non-prescribed prescription drug or medication while performing recreational therapy services;
(Utah Recreational Therapy Practice Act, 58-40-502)
Unprofessional conduct as defined by the Recreational Therapy Practice Act Rule:
(1) failing to establish and maintain professional boundaries with a patient or former patient;
(2) exploiting a current patient or former patient for personal gain;
(3) failing as a TRS/MTRS to ensure the student TRT completes the minimum required education and experience prior to working with patients;
(4) failing as a TRS/MTRS to ensure the student TRT is competent to provide recreational therapy services when signing the education and experience verification;
(5) failing to abide by the provisions of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) Code of Ethics, November 2009, which is incorporated by reference."
(Recreational Therapy Practice Act Rule R156-40-502)
If at any time it appears an unlawful act or unprofessional conduct has occurred you may contact the Department of Professional Licensing for further investigation: